Friday, January 6, 2012

My First Tattoo (More To Come)

I have been saying I was going to get a tattoo for at least 7 years.  I'm pretty sure that everyone thought I was lying and counted me out, but I finally did it!  'Getting a tattoo' was also on my bucket list.  My roommates weren't here for this one either, but I have waited for 7 years and that was long enough!   I went with two of my best friends, Ritu and Connor.  Crossing two things off the bucket list in a week...unheard of!  We didn't cross two things off the bucket list all last semester.

I got my tattoo done at a place that is beyond sketchy, called Boricuas Tattoos.  Look at the picture...CLASSY ;) I have a friend who knows one of the tattoo artists in there.  Despite the questionable location, the guy ended up being cool; so if your in Winter Park, FL and want a tattoo go over and ask for Charlie Tebo.

I chose a tattoo that I found on Pinterest.  I don't know if anyone has heard of that site, but I am addicted.  Yes, I am coming out and saying I have a serious problem!  I would also like to say that I am one of the first people that was on the website, and have been telling my friends to get one for about a year.  If you want to follow my boards go to

Here is the tattoo that I decided to get

Last December my mom died after a long battle with lung cancer.  She was an amazing lady and one of my best friends and I knew that I wanted a tattoo so that I could be reminded of her; but wasn't sure what exactly I should get.  When I saw this one I knew that this was perfect!  Even though she's not here, I know that she will be with me and love me (and visa versa) forever.  I also loved how it kind of looked like a ribbon which could be associated with lung cancer.

I was so excited to finally be getting my tattoo that I felt like someone gave me a shot of adrenaline before I got in there.  I was jumping up and down and so ready to go.  Got in the chair and he started going to work; and now I understand why people get addicted.  I loved it!  There's also something else I should say...I love needles and shots!  Yes, I know...I'm a big weirdo slash I sound like a junkie!  Seriously,  I am ready to get another one right now.  If it was socially acceptable I would have sleeves, but I feel like that may interfere with me getting a job in a year or so.  Maybe when I'm 80 and I'm retired.

Here's the final product! 

Yes, I know what you're all thinking...I should be a hand model.  I'm definitely giving it a lot of thought ;)  To anyone who is thinking about getting a tattoo...I vote yes, and I'll come with you and get another one.  One more thing,  I didn't tell my dad, Dave, that I was getting it.  I'm so excited to see his face when I show him tonight.  We're having some of the fam over for dinner, so I'll be making a blog worthy meal and showing them the tattoo.  I'll let you know how they all react!

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